Megami Tensei Wiki
This article is about the F.O.E. For other uses, see Angel (disambiguation).

Angel of Love is a Shadow in the Persona series.



Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth[]

Angels of Love are the second type of F.O.E found in the Group Date Cafe. They fire arrows at the party when they enter its direct line of sight, forcing the party to walk towards them for a few steps. When defeated, it may drop Love Shard. Love Shard is used to create the Heavy Armor male armor, and the Guardian Dog-Suit for Koromaru.


Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth[]

Level HP Attack Defense
Strength 30
Magic 30
Endurance 45
Agility 14
Luck 28
27 3180 90 135
Exp Drop 1 Drop 2 Drop 3
5398 Love Shard - -
Cut Stab Bash Fire Ice Elec Wind Light Dark Alm
- - - Resist Resist - - Null Null -
Sleep Panic Poison Curse Paralysis S-Bind M-Bind A-Bind Down KO
- Resist - Resist Resist Resist Resist Resist Null Null
List of Skills
Skill Effect
Mow Down A light Cut attack. (1 Row)
Mabufu A light Ice attack. (All Enemies)
Tentarafoo Medium chance of Panic. (All Enemies)

