Megami Tensei Wiki
Relic Description Stars Sell
Work Desk Simple desk with no ornamentation. What sort of work did people use it for? 1 90
Computer Desk Desk designed to hold a computer. But it can hold other items too, no doubt. 1 85
Study Desk Wooden Desk. You envy a day when all people did was study. 1 76
Chair Simple, wooden chair. 1 71
Rack Shelves for storing tableware. Nowadays, these hold weapons and ammunition. 2 320
Cabinet Shelves for books and other objects. People used to use paper to store data. 2 359
Cushion Soft cushion. Probably not effective at dealing damage... 2 282
Curtain Cloth used to section off part of a room. No need to block out light in Tokyo. 3 800